Slay on Social Media

Ready to slay on social media? Wish you could make your presence even more impactful?! 

Here is my best tip…… it’s essential and sooo simple!


Being consistently social and truly engaging while offering value is really the secret.  

So…..What does that mean?

  1. Post everyday
  2. Like and Comment on what comes across your feed, don’t just scroll.
  3. Post stuff your audience actually cares about— add value to their life!

It’s not complicated but it can be time consuming so be smart & savvy when deciding which platforms to devote your time to & set timers.  Work one outlet everyday and choose another to at least dabble with.

I literally have an alarm go off everyday at 8:30 to post on social.  I usually have something ready to go in my drafts. 

***almost 70% of Americans are on Facebook and 38% are on Instagram!***

So setting yourself up for success on social media properly is just as important as wearing the right panties under the right dress…yeah, it’s that paramount!

The most important step in ensuring you slay is making sure your profile exudes every facet of you as soon as someone sees it by using bold pictures, clear text and a call to action. 

Pro tip: even if you don’t “work” every social media outlet, you should at the very least have a profile on each one so that anyone, anywhere can easily find you!

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